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Initiated in 2006
Workplace Intervention
Work Place Intervention Program in Calcutta Port Trust area has been initiated in 2006. Kolkata Port is the oldest port in India, which came in existence in 1970. It is the only river borne major port in India situated 232 km inside the river Hooghly. In 1998-99 the Kolkata Port handled 9.163 million tons of cargo. In 1999-2000 the cargo had increased to 10.311 million tons.         
Work Place Intervention Program

HIV / AIDS infection is reported to be higher in those who belong to the most active part of the life, i.e. from adolescents to middle age. The workers invariably fall under the specified age group (15 to 35 years).
This program aims at rescuing this group from two sides. On one hand this program will generate awareness among the workers, on the other hand, it will motivate the management to re-evaluate the company policies in a manner that workers are educated about the issue.
Workplace Intervention
BHORUKA is trying to reach every adult with the HIV/AIDS message to create awareness in him/her. The workplace is the best place to get more people together.

Relatively high mobility and prolonged absence from family and social support networks may be partly to be blamed.
HIV infected people are often refused employment and their children are denied schooling.
Workplace program support prevention expands access to care and treatment and promotes non-discrimination.

BHORUKA is pioneer in sexual health intervention among different vulnerable groups. At Bhoruka, we aim at achieving the vision, that is changing behaviour and generating awareness related to STI, HIV/AIDS.

Some problems which arise while working in this program are :
working time schedule is not the same
inability to meet the higher level officials
misconception of higher and mid level officials of their knowledge about HIV/AIDS

This program is getting full co-operation from all the 4 project areas viz. FCI, HJM, CISF and ABC India Ltd.


Workplace Intervention
•   To create a company policy regarding HIV / AIDS
To give service to the positive people (care and support)
Mainstreaming the HIV / AIDS affected people
To change their high risk behaviour in the work places

BHORUKA is working in 4 industries with three tier levels viz. higher level, middle level management and the workers.
Major Activity:

•   Information program for various stakeholders
Organizing meeting with different sectors to know the magnitude of the problem
Organizing training to upgrade the knowledge and capacity building
Sensitization program
STD care and treatment
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