The Bhoruka Research Centre for Haematology and Blood Transfusion began operations on 17th January 1982. It has had a pioneering role in ensuring the use of safe blood - rejecting professional donors, and making tests for Hepatitis B, C, HIV, VDRL and malaria madatory on each unit of blood.
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Quality Policy
We at Bhoruka, provider of health care services to the society, are committed to build and sustain the organisation as a welfare oriented innovative service unit wherein QUALITY is the hallmark of every activity.
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From the Director's Desk
2007: is an important year in the history of Bhoruka Public Welfare Trust as it brought about qualitative changes in the pattern of our activities. This year we have taken various initiatives and focused on strengthening social capital in our working areas.
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Training at Bhoruka
Bhoruka has devoted to the capacity building & training of the NGOs, CBOs, doctors, health workers, paramedics, program implementers, project management staff, government officials & various levels of people working in the health sector. A training plan is formulated for each quarter. Each recruitment is followed by an orientation / induction training program.
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Research is a systematic effort to answer the gaps in an existing set of knowledge.
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